
Wake & Bake

First things first - I finally found a rooster.
Now, it ain't much - but it will do. Especially since it was a mere $5 at Wally World.
I completely forgot to take a before picture. Not very smart, huh?

To help you understand the color 'before' - I will borrow words from the great master-mind himself, Mr. Nico. He said, "Mom, it looks like an animal cracker."

There. That should tell you that it was a very blotchy, beige-y, beige.

After some time outside yesterday and a coat of Ivory spray paint, allow me to introduce Roo, the rooster.

And here he sits, in his new home.

Isabel was joking at dinner last night..."What if the rooster wakes us up in the morning?!" We just laughed at with her. Silly girl.

Do you want to know what DID wake us up this morning?!?!  The alarm.
As in the HOUSE ALARM. As in Nic just wanted to know what the weather felt like. Oye ve. Our alarm company is going to LOVE us!

In food news, look at what I made yesterday.

My very first apple pie. Ever.
Last year, I made my very first pumpkin pie.
I will admit - for this particular pie, I did not make the crust. Marcos was begging for this pie, and I just wanted to get it over with, so I bought the pre-made crust.

Shame on me. I had NO IDEA that the apples and spices would be soooo good that they would be over-taken by the eh - so - so crust. I know I can make a nice, flaky crust. I've done it before.

So, I think I am going to give Apple Pie # 2 a shot. And really knock the socks off my hombre.

Next weekend, of course.

There you have it: Wake & Bake!

P.S. Lots of little crafts to share with you through out this coming week.

1 comment:

  1. Love the rooster. And I still love animal crackers too. :)
    I have not made an apple pie before....I will one day. But I won't try making crust...seems like so much work when Betty Crocker can do it for me.
    I hope he loved the pie!!!


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