
Who? What? Where?

It's not that January started out *bad*....
It's just that it started out different than I had planned.

My resolutions were put to the way side...

Lazy Day

But I think I am ready to go.
I start a new job on Monday.
Next week is bound to be busy with the memorial service.
I need to get my act together.

Olive, cuddling with me.

And I will.
Starting right now. The husband and I are working on cleaning out and organizing my office.
I need to get out my master budget and get gazelle... We are jumping back on the Dave Ramsey train.
I need to finally order Sunday papers... Need those coupons.
I need to restart our Weight Watchers plan.
The scale says so.
I need to get on my bike.
And ride like the wind.


1 comment:

  1. You are starting a new job??? What????
    I love that photo of Olive... I mean, really LOVE.
    I hope January is better than you expected.


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