
Impulse Buy

I have a problem. An addiction, if you will.
But you all know about it already.  ---> Goodwill.

There's me... at a Goodwill, shopping. I swear it's not Photoshopped.

While at Goodwill with my Sister-Cousin, Bri and my Aunt Anita, I came across these lovelies:

 Aren't they just that?! LOVELY?

What the heck was I thinking?! They are each about 6" tall and are made out of porcelain. Or whatever plates are made out of.  They don't have a hook on the back or anything to hang them with, so I have NO IDEA what they are for. But I thought they were cute, so I bought them. Not that I'd ever hang them in my kitchen. I don't think.

And now I am stuck with them.
Unless YOU want them.

Look at that, impulse buy = give away.


I must find my strength at Goodwill.
You must email me your address so I can send them on.
You must email me your address so I can send them on.
You must email me your address so I can send them on.
You must email me your address so I can send them on.
Wonder if that worked [my mad hypnotist skills]... off to check my email.


  1. They'd make really cute spoonrests!

    1. You say that without leaving your mailing address... ;) lol... See, they *are* cute...

  2. Oh. My. Word. Blast from the past! They are spoon rests. I used to work for the company that made them. haha See the mayo jar? The 'BWTC' stand for Boston Warehouse Trading Corp. Small world.

  3. You make me giggle with the goodwill drawing.
    Come visit us at Happy Home!


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