
Craft Sunday: School Paper Organizers

This week, Craft Sunday was on Monday.

I had some magazine holders (think wood-like material) from IKEA
laying around collecting... well... magazines.
I threw those out and decided they would be better
school paper organizers for my kitchen.

I took the magazine holder and laid it out on scrapbook paper
and then traced out the shape.
Once traced, I cut the pieces. One 12x12 sheet wrapped the entire box,
I just had to do a little manipulating.

I then took out my handy dandy Mod Podge and Mod-Podged my little heart out.

Once I attached the paper, I put it in front of a fan to dry.  Once dry (a few minutes, not too long) I Mod-Podged the outside of the paper.

After a few minutes in front of the fan, the Mod Podge was dry and I stuck on a cut-out in the shape of an "A" for Alex. 

There you have it.
Now, some might say it's a little girlie for a mature almost 15 year old boy.
But I will take a moment to remind "some" that it has to
work AND look good in MY kitchen.
So there.

I still have Isabel's and Nic's to complete.
Perhaps next Sunday.

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