
What do cookies and sunsets have in common?

Oooh! A riddle!
Orange you glad you stopped by today...? :)

The kids and I decided to make some Halloween cookies last night.  I need to put it out there first and foremost... I have never EVER made sugar cookies. Nope. Never.

And after last night, it may be a long while before I ever attempt to again. I think I am a chocolate-chip-cookie-maker type of gal.  I am sure the dough was not supposed to be falling apart as I rolled it to 1/8 of an inch.   After an agonizing 7 minutes, they were done. Thankfully, my taste-testers said they tasted ok.
Did you get that?  OK.  Not "great!" Not "These are the BOMB, mom!" Just ok. Lowercase oh. Lowercase kay. 

Wait, I just remembered, Nic did say they were the best cookies ever. Can I trust a three-year old and a smile?!  See for yourself...

I wanted to share this [below] with you. This is the view from my kitchen table each and every night. Aren't I a lucky gal?! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are a lucky gal.
    And those cookies...even if they tasted just OK, they were delightfully scary. And cool!


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