
My thoughts on Blogging

Found this in my draft folder... thought I'd post since I didn't have a chance to do anything fun yesterday, except work.

Sometimes I happen upon a blog - you know the drill: click, click, click, "Hey! How did I end up here?"

But something on that blog catches my eye - so I read and read and read and read.

And then I notice something.

The blog is good. The pictures are good. The "voice" is good. The blogger has been around for a while.

But there are no commenters. I mean - one or two, here or there. But not as many as there could be. Perhaps they are all off reading Layla or Sherry or Shawni?! And while I also read those blogs [daily]; I love finding new blogs and people to stalk "meet."

I love the type of bloggers I am referring to. While I am sure they hope to have readers commenting on every post; they mostly blog for themselves. They continue to blog - even though they may not get a lot of traffic, they continue to share their thoughts, ideas and lives with the world wide web.

I know there are bloggers out there who don't necessary like strangers to post on their blogs. And I know there are bloggers who would kill (not literally, of course, people) to have just one kind person stop and appreciate something they've been working on. I tend to stop, regardless, and leave a kind word. Sometimes it's because I feel sorry for the fact that no one else did. And sometimes it's because I really am impressed!

Maybe there are readers out there that happen upon MY blog [remember? click, click, click] who wonder why I continue to post even though I don't have many "followers." I've been around the blog block a time or two (admittedly, this is the longest time I've kept up a blog) - and while I love comments (thanks Suz, Marcy, Tracy, and Lez - and sometimes Mom [but it's been awhile!!?!]) - I blog because I love sharing. More than that, I want to be able to print this blog out and turn it into a journal the kids can keep for a long time to come.

So, I know I will never be a professional blogger. And I know I blog about everything under the sun. But if I can entertain just one person - even if it's my own self - than I am happy.

If you are passing through - I'd love it if you left a comment. But if you choose not to - well, that's okay, too! Because, regardless, tomorrow - there will be always another post.

1 comment:

  1. HI!
    who wants to be a professional blogger??? I don't think that really happens...does it???
    You are too funny.
    I also blog for my kids, my mom and I...and it is just fun.


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