
It only took a year.

I am going to let you in on a terrible secret.
I am ashamed.
Maybe I shouldn't tell you. You might think less of me.
Might is not strong enough. You WILL think less of me.

Our linen closet in our master bathroom has been pretty much empty the entire time we've lived in this house.

I said it.
You still there?

Over the past few weekends, Marcos and I caught the "let's finally getter done" bug.

The above picture shows you two things. We need nicer towels.
And, I've spent too much money at Victoria's Secret (as depicted below).

We didn't stop with the linen closet, oh no!

Marcos and I went on a shopping adventure, reminiscent of Extreme Couponing, and loaded up our pantry. Of course, that meant it needed to be cleaned out and reorganized.

We saved $138 in coupons.

So... two areas of my house are in some sort of organized fashion. And they still are, 2 weeks later (yay!).
Now to get a Fall Cleaning done on the rest. I see Lysol wipes and Fabreeze in my future!

1 comment:

  1. These both look great!!!!!! Don't you just love an organized area/closet??
    I can't believe you color your hair. I thought that was natural.
    My day is ruined.


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