
So Tired...

Last night was the second night in a row where I've had to stay up until 11pm helping Alex with homework.
If he had it his way, he'd be done with it - and in bed.
I [how dare i?] double check ALL of this work... and if it isn't right, I make him re-do it.

New Rule: All Math homework must be done on a separate piece of paper - and ONLY once have I checked it and he's corrected any mistakes can it then be transferred onto the Math worksheet.

[This was taken the 1st day of school in 2008. Alex dropped Isa off, before he made his way to his new Jr. High.]

We have some Science and Spanish flash cards to make tonight... and some studying to do.
First Spanish quiz is on Tuesday...
Not sure about the Science test...

In other news...
Work has been... tiring.
Nic has been...tiring.
Dealing with our lender has been...tiring.
The sty in my eye is... tiring.

Thank gosh tomorrow is Friday... Maybe I can sleep in on Saturday morning...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get some rest this weekend. Being tired is very tiring for you all.


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