
Isa's Concert de Navidad & Nic's First Dance Class

Okay, they didn't really call it a concert de Navidad...I was just trying to impress you with my Spanglish skills.

This was my view for the first hour - I was stuck WAY in the back of the gym.

Seriously? Not just the antlers, but the book!?

There's Isa.
Do you see her?
Middle row, red flower in her hair.

The entire 6th grade.

This poor guy looked like he was crying the whole time.
Had to zoom lots to get this pic.

Ha! That's about the only kind of snowman we get here in Phoenix.

Isa after the concert.

They did a wonderful job singing Christmas Carols!


Here are two random pictures of Nic on his way to his first dance class from last Friday.
He's taking Hip Hop... and he was so very excited to go!

I got to watch from the lobby - we could see them on large TV monitors. I couldn't get any pictures. But they will have a recital in June, which I am sure I will be able to get some pictures then.

In the meantime, trust when I say he his absolutely adorable on the dance floor.

He must take after me.


  1. Isa looks adorable!!!!
    Clearly antler girl is not a fan of Christmas songs????
    Can't wait to see MR. hip hop do his thang!!!

  2. Criminy, did the girl hold her book up in the air the whole time, too? That looks exhausting.

    And hip hop class sounds adorable. :) Our five-year-old nephew is in a hip hop class that goes on right before Lily's weekly ballet class, and I love to watch him on the monitor, too.


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