

Yesterday was a sweet day. Nic and I ran around like CRAZY people trying to get our day in order.
First, we went to Wally-World to grab some V-Day cards for the fam.  My shopping cart MADE ME go into Lawn & Garden.

Bad cart. Bad cart.

I wanted to buy EVERYTHING. Instead I settled on a few things:

Green pillows. Which I love. A lot.

Just a shot of the yard - cuz I am lovin' it. Well, except for the almost dead plants and bushes.
We are working on those, though.

I got this plant because it looks easy to take care of - it's a cactus. And it matches the house!!
And the pillows.
Someone pa-leeeze call HGTV.

And this is a gardenia bush/plant/thing. I thought it looked nice.
And it cost me all of $5.00.

After that shopping trip, I came home and made dinner (Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom lasagna!) and a cake. Then I got the call that the man who stole my heart was going to be later than usual coming home from work. No worries, we waited for him. Everyone was wonderful and suh-weeet and polite - and then everyone opened up their V-Day cards. There were tears and fist-pumps. I did good. =)

Okay, let's go back. I DID do good. But that's about it. I really tried to make it a special occasion. But leading up to it there was whining, crying, yelling, stomping, threatening, and epic fails. Seriously, I went to remove the cake from the pan and it FELL APART on me.  I iced it anyway and served it to my peeps. Nic sure as heck didn't care.

Oh well. I tried, that's all that matters.

Speaking of signs (okay, we weren't even on the topic)... I had an old frame-thingy that I got at Goodwill a few months back - it was a picture of Raggedy Anne and a wooden rocking horse. I spray painted the sucker to match the green/blue/spearmint/aloe color in my kitchen. For a while it's just been sitting on top of my cabinets. NOT N-E MORE.


Wait a minute - forgot to put the flowers in (and take a pic with my camera). Here's a shot from my droid.

I found that dragonfly paper in one of my craft boxes - No idea where it came from, but it works.
Until Isabel said that it was kinda gross  -  as if we were eating the dragonflies.

1 comment:

  1. Dragonflies taste just like chicken.
    Love the eat...and of course the green pillows are perfect. Love love love anything green.
    You made a cake for your family? Oy. You are really making me look bad.


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