

I am here to tell you that someone at Isabel's school must like me.
Scratch that... they LOVE me.

¿Porque? - you ask...

Because today is Alex's first day of summer.
I have 2/3 of my kids home for another few days.

On June 2, I will have 3/3 (or 100%) of all of my kids home.

Have a few days to get used to have more than just Nic home is a blessing.
Soon I will not only be Bank of America worker by day, I will also be maid, chef, referee, concierge, AND INSANE!

So thank you, Isabel's school, for a little lead time! =)

P.S. Just wanted to give you a random warning. The domain I currently use is just about up for renewal. I've been toying with the idea of changing it to just my name, so that I can then change the header whenever I want and it has no affect on how one gets to me. That means you will need to save the new URL and go there (I don't think I could get it to forward automatically). Does that scare you?!
Still a work in progress, we will see!


  1. I love that photo!!!! Summer is always the best...with all the kids home, you know you love it.
    Let me know about any big blog changes that happen..you'll know I am out of the loop if I don't show up.

  2. Love the photo as well....what a stunning capture and with editing...
    Popping in also to let you know that June challenge is out and starts soon, hope you will be on board with us.


Thank you for taking the time to visit YMT. If your email address is included in your profile, you betcher bottom dollar I will respond. And now... I can even reply here, right in the comments section. Go on, leave a comment. :)