
Paint Pickin’ Master

Please... I do not want to lead you to believe, by the title of this post, that I am a paint pickin’ master.

Instead, I am just trying to pick some paint for my master bedroom. Our master bedroom, sorry about that Mr. Roommate.

I’ve never done this before. With the other rooms, I picked one color and ran (man, those cans are heav-eey!).

This time I wanted to do it right, so I picked four colors and got little sample containers. And just now I slapped them up on the wall:

I think it’s important to add that I am looking for a blue/green/gray color – not to go beachy, but to have that cool element in the room. The bed is walnut with a dark leather (pleather?, did I get taken!?) inlay. The drapes are a beige-y gold color and they are staying that way. Eventually, when we get white blinds, we will swag a panel to each of the sides of the window.

We want to add built-ins that will match the baseboards and trip (heirloom, white?!) and the bedding will all be white. We would, of course, add color in the way of pillows and art.  I like this, but it may not stay in the room:

Here is what I think I like - It's John & Sherry's room - look at the walls, that's what I love:

Without further ado...




  1. Oh my gosh. At first I thought number ONE for sure.
    Then, I went with TWO!!!
    Now, I just don't know. I am not a blue/gray person, so I really like your original color. :0 That doesn't help does it?
    I always end up buying several samples myself and then flip flopping back and forth!!!!

    Good luck.

  2. I like number two! And I am a gray/blue/green person. LOL Just my opinion. I think it goes best with your bed and the drapes as well. <3 ya


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