
Cheap, yet Priceless

I had a hard time trying to figure out what I wanted to get my mom for Christmas this year.
Specifically, I wasn't sure which magazine subscriptions she needed or needed to renew.

I decided to go with my homemade theme and actually make {most of} her present this year.

I opened up my trusty PhotoShop and started working on a Subway Art piece. I prefer PhotoShop Elements, but my trial ended long ago {and I think I've guessed too many times on a key code}... so I worked with regular PhotoShop to figure out how to make it work.

With the presents all open, I can finally share what I made for my mom. It was cheap and easy. My time was free, the print was $5.99 at Costco {16x20} and the frame was 50% off at Hobby Lobby ($34 total). So for $40, I was able to bring tears to my mom's eyes.

She *loved* it. These are all of the key words that sum up most of her life. I could explain each of the entries away, but they mean most to *her*... so I will spare you.

However, I'd like to show you what I made for my grandma... following the same theme of PhotoShop and Cheap, yet Priceless...

It's her and my grandpa's birthday... Their anniversary... and then the birthday of their 4 kids.
Each of these pieces were framed in a nice black frame... and will look great in their perspectives houses.

We had a blast opening presents on Christmas Eve night...
Look at these doggies... they stayed like this with my mom for almost an hour:

We didn't even get to dinner until 9.
We had everyone back over {my parents actually spent the night} for stockings and breakfast this morning. And then I had to go the E.R.

A memorable Christmas for sure. But more on that later.
I am still kinda high from the morphine, so I am hitting the hay.

Buenas Noches, amigos.

1 comment:

  1. What what what?? ER? Morphine???
    I hope you are ok....please tell me you are ok!!

    Those gifts are the bestest ever...would have brought tears to me as well. Well, of course, you would have had to change the dates and names...but you know.
    I hope you are doing ok now!!! Please share.


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