I was in bed sick today. I spent all day watching movies and blowing my nose. Since I am sure you don't want to read about the latter, I will chat about a movie I watched.
Have you ever seen the movie Waiting to Exhale? Of course you have.
It's not my all-time favorite movie, but I do love it just the same.
When I think of Arizona, I picture twinkle lights, palm trees, and silhouettes of red rock buttes against an orange and pink fiery sky. I hear that deep voice - a radio deejay - introducing one jazz song after another.
Arizona is romantic. The cinematographers of Ms. Houston's movie certainly got it right.
There are days I wish we lived out east - the grass is always greener, right?
But then there are days that I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world.
Today was one of those days.
Around us...
Ever since we 'moo'ved, the conversations in our car have changed - drastically.
Not a car ride goes by without mention of our noisy neighbors to the west, south, and north of us.
Of course, it's kind of an educational topic, so I can't really complain.
There are always new babies to "ooh" and "aahh" over.
Not a car ride goes by without mention of our noisy neighbors to the west, south, and north of us.
Of course, it's kind of an educational topic, so I can't really complain.
There are always new babies to "ooh" and "aahh" over.
filed under:
Remember this mirror?
It was supposed to go in my bedroom. I hauled it up there. Left it up there. Wasn't feeling it.
So, Alex, my boy-wonder who is home sick today, got to haul it back downstairs for me.
[Admit it, a random post about mirrors... Clever title, huh?!]
I like it in my entryway mucho better.
Here is the view, when you walk in the front door, to the right:

Did I ever show you a pic of the formal living room with the new IKEA mirror? [another random mirror pic. weird] Excuse the lighting - I cannot, for the life of me, get it right. But the room is coming along.
Here is my striped hallway - leading to the pantry and the garage. It got a make-over. Instead of painting over the stripes, I changed the decor. I love this soooo much better!
And finally... one more final random picture.
It was supposed to go in my bedroom. I hauled it up there. Left it up there. Wasn't feeling it.
So, Alex, my boy-wonder who is home sick today, got to haul it back downstairs for me.
[Admit it, a random post about mirrors... Clever title, huh?!]
I like it in my entryway mucho better.
Here is the view, when you walk in the front door, to the right:
And to the left:
It's not perfect... in fact, it's not even permanent. I want a black bench to go there - I am on the lookout for one. It's kinda crazy that I saw the EXACT bench I want at my Aunt Anita's house. They made it out of a full size head and foot board. From scratch. I asked for it. But I left without it. Meanies.
Here is my striped hallway - leading to the pantry and the garage. It got a make-over. Instead of painting over the stripes, I changed the decor. I love this soooo much better!
Not a close-up:
I've shown you this spot before... but not since I repainted the little table and added a few more photos. I love hanging photos!!Rut Roh. We are getting neighbors! All the way from Michigan.
I adore people of all ages.
I adore people of all ages.
But why do we have so many older couples living so close to the park and pool?
I don't want them getting upset about the noise that kids make - but I can already see hints of it happening with several peeps down the street.
Oh well.
Oh well.
C'est la vie.
Dulce Doce
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Happy Birthday to my sweet, funny and cleverly charming daughter! It's hard to believe that my girl is 12!!
One of my very own
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Photo wall,
I've wanted a photo wall for as long as I've wanted to own my own house. The only problem with open concept houses are that there aren't very many walls. So, I had to choose my photo wall very carefully - so that I would have plenty of space to put up quite a few photos. I have a ton of pictures that I would love to display - but I'd need a McMansion to display them all.
After careful consideration [and input from the momma and the husband], we decide to use the staircase wall in the entry way. We need to get a buffet table of sorts for the wall... but I didn't want to wait - so I improvised.
You see the table - it might be a little shorter once we actually make the purchase, but that's okay. I added a lamp [for drama!] and then that 12x16 rectangle is a lovely frame - that just needs an equally lovely piece of mirror.
Isa and I cut out papers in the size of the frames and taped them to wall to get a good idea of where we wanted to hang everything. I don't know much about decor, but I do know I don't like Swiss cheese.
We literally cheered after each picture was hung. Hanged? Never got that one.
Here is the final result. Well, semi-final.
We plan to add little things as we get them, like a pair of skeleton keys. A letter "A" (as depicted above). And I'd like to get a few more frames, maybe smaller... But it's a start.
After careful consideration [and input from the momma and the husband], we decide to use the staircase wall in the entry way. We need to get a buffet table of sorts for the wall... but I didn't want to wait - so I improvised.
You see the table - it might be a little shorter once we actually make the purchase, but that's okay. I added a lamp [for drama!] and then that 12x16 rectangle is a lovely frame - that just needs an equally lovely piece of mirror.
It took a few hours and several dozens of photos - but Isa and I finally settled on the few that would be showcased. Isa helped to arrange them so that there was a balance - no two types of frames would be right next to each other. Two of our frames (from IKEA) were large - and we didn't have any mats to go in. So - improvising again - I cut up some black and white striped scrapbook paper and added two pictures to it - then enclosed it in the frame. I think it looks like we did it on purpose. (:
Isa and I cut out papers in the size of the frames and taped them to wall to get a good idea of where we wanted to hang everything. I don't know much about decor, but I do know I don't like Swiss cheese.
We literally cheered after each picture was hung. Hanged? Never got that one.
Here is the final result. Well, semi-final.
We plan to add little things as we get them, like a pair of skeleton keys. A letter "A" (as depicted above). And I'd like to get a few more frames, maybe smaller... But it's a start.
Remember that frame that I mentioned - the one that needs a mirror? - well, here is the frame. The plan was to hang it just a little bit lower. Just after this picture was taken, I messed up and the frame fell - and shattered. Just my luck. lol... Isa looked at me and said "At least we get a picture of it before it broke!"
So, I am now in the market for a new mirror to fit that space!! (:
Checked a few things off of my To Do list
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Arts and Crafts,
I made myself a To Do list for yesterday. My husband also made me a To Do list. Can you guess which one was my priority?
The kids and I travelled out to Phoenix yesterday (a whole 30 minute drive)... and made a visit to IKEA. I ♥ IKEA.
We only had an hour as we were meeting up with my parents for some pizza at noon.
I wanted to buy everything. [I am sorry IKEA peeps if your go-back carts are filled to the brim because of my indecisiveness and lack of monetary funds.] I bought a few things.
First... I bought a MIRROR! A big one. As in the kind that hangs above my dining room table [no, not like that, you pervs.] It was $79 and I lurrrve it. I can't wait for the husband to hang it for me. [Note to self: I should prolly get on that To Do list of his.]
I also got Isa a mirror. We got some stuff done in her room this weekend, including putting up a fan and some valances. She needed a mirror for a big blank space above her dresser. [another thing for Marcos to hang.]
I also picked up so picture frames - I so need to start my wall-o-pictures.
After IKEA and a fantastic lunch with the 'rents, we came home to get our To Do lists done. The kids had a date with their chore list and I a spray can.
I found the below mirror at Goodwill. It was $9.99 - but we happened to be there on 50% off day! So I scored it for less than $5.

I thought I would hang it in my bedroom... the flower detail is very similar to one that's on our bed. It's a very narrow mirror, but I have two spots picked out. We will see which one it looks better in.

While I was at it - I also primed and painted our little table that sits in the hallway and a shelf I had lying around.

I was going for an antique cream color - but I think they still look pretty light.
See the difference?

While at IKEA, I picked up this fake fern looking thing. The pot can be written on with chalk. Love it.

Finally, I had a little craft time this weekend - and came up with something for my formal living room and dining room. I think it's going to sit on the radio cabinet when all is said and done.

I wrapped the twine around the base of the vase and then taped the outside of the leftover glass. I sprayed the inside of the glass with textured spray paint and then used a clear spray over the twine to help keep it in place.
Look at how nice it looks next to the curtains...

So... that's pretty much it, other than the fact that I am still cleaning spray paint off of my hands.
I really need to get to work on Marcos' To Do list; bake him a pineapple upside down cake.
Slave driver.
[p.s. i just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out what's wrong with blogger - my formatting is way messed up. at first it ignored all of my hard returns, and now there is too much space. grrr.]
The kids and I travelled out to Phoenix yesterday (a whole 30 minute drive)... and made a visit to IKEA. I ♥ IKEA.
We only had an hour as we were meeting up with my parents for some pizza at noon.
I wanted to buy everything. [I am sorry IKEA peeps if your go-back carts are filled to the brim because of my indecisiveness and lack of monetary funds.] I bought a few things.
First... I bought a MIRROR! A big one. As in the kind that hangs above my dining room table [no, not like that, you pervs.] It was $79 and I lurrrve it. I can't wait for the husband to hang it for me. [Note to self: I should prolly get on that To Do list of his.]
I also got Isa a mirror. We got some stuff done in her room this weekend, including putting up a fan and some valances. She needed a mirror for a big blank space above her dresser. [another thing for Marcos to hang.]
I also picked up so picture frames - I so need to start my wall-o-pictures.
After IKEA and a fantastic lunch with the 'rents, we came home to get our To Do lists done. The kids had a date with their chore list and I a spray can.
I found the below mirror at Goodwill. It was $9.99 - but we happened to be there on 50% off day! So I scored it for less than $5.
I thought I would hang it in my bedroom... the flower detail is very similar to one that's on our bed. It's a very narrow mirror, but I have two spots picked out. We will see which one it looks better in.
While I was at it - I also primed and painted our little table that sits in the hallway and a shelf I had lying around.
I was going for an antique cream color - but I think they still look pretty light.
See the difference?
While at IKEA, I picked up this fake fern looking thing. The pot can be written on with chalk. Love it.
Finally, I had a little craft time this weekend - and came up with something for my formal living room and dining room. I think it's going to sit on the radio cabinet when all is said and done.

I wrapped the twine around the base of the vase and then taped the outside of the leftover glass. I sprayed the inside of the glass with textured spray paint and then used a clear spray over the twine to help keep it in place.
Look at how nice it looks next to the curtains...

So... that's pretty much it, other than the fact that I am still cleaning spray paint off of my hands.
I really need to get to work on Marcos' To Do list; bake him a pineapple upside down cake.
Slave driver.
[p.s. i just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out what's wrong with blogger - my formatting is way messed up. at first it ignored all of my hard returns, and now there is too much space. grrr.]
filed under:
Isabel and Nic were outside playing the other day...
My girl can draw. But I am not sure what's up with the two legged elephant.
It was super cute when Nic came in to get me so that he could show me how he could play "hop skitch."
My girl can draw. But I am not sure what's up with the two legged elephant.
It was super cute when Nic came in to get me so that he could show me how he could play "hop skitch."
It's raining...
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... worms?
Our next door neighbor's yard is a bit flooded. And our tree is a wreck! The landscaper should have staked it from the get-go, but didn't. I now how an open complaint with the Registrar of Contractors.
So, we missed movie night last night due to the weather and Isa's softball game was cancelled this morning. Instead, we took Alex to the ortho and then made a side trip to Goodwill and Home Depot.
And Wal-Mart.
Today was 50% off at Goodwill, I scored a mirror that will be painted antique white, two vases, some valances for Isabel and some king size pillow cases (unopened) in a pretty creamy yellow.
As soon as I start messing with things tomorrow I will do a post about our recent finds and additions! ;)
Hope you are having a super Saturday - and that it's not raining in your neck of the woods.
Reward if Found
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High School,
Happy Friday, peeps. I've been a heckofa week for me and mine, but we survived! ;)
Alex had 4 games this week.
Isa had 1 game and 2 practices.
I had Bunco on Wednesday.
But despite all of that - we have tonight! And tonight is...........
The Junior class at Alex's high school is hosting a family movie night on the football field. And can you guess what they are showing?!?!
Yep, Finding Nemo. What?! You guessed Jaws?! Wrong.
We are so excited - the weather has been perfect (despite the slight chance of rain tomorrow) - so we will be enjoying the movie, loving the snacks, and sitting outside in the fresh air surrounded by good peeps. I am dragging my whole darn family with me.
Alex's high school is surrounded by farm land - so it's all mountains, and stars, and nothing else out there. I wish you could join us - should be a blast. Consider this your official invitation. =)
Hope your Friday is a good one! See ya on the other side!
Alex had 4 games this week.
Isa had 1 game and 2 practices.
I had Bunco on Wednesday.
But despite all of that - we have tonight! And tonight is...........
The Junior class at Alex's high school is hosting a family movie night on the football field. And can you guess what they are showing?!?!
Yep, Finding Nemo. What?! You guessed Jaws?! Wrong.
We are so excited - the weather has been perfect (despite the slight chance of rain tomorrow) - so we will be enjoying the movie, loving the snacks, and sitting outside in the fresh air surrounded by good peeps. I am dragging my whole darn family with me.
Alex's high school is surrounded by farm land - so it's all mountains, and stars, and nothing else out there. I wish you could join us - should be a blast. Consider this your official invitation. =)
Hope your Friday is a good one! See ya on the other side!
I Spy
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Formal Dining Room,
Formal Living Room,
I Spy,
Radio Cabinet
As I was chatting with my mom last night [hi, mom!] I realized I never shared a pic of my citrus trees. Shame on me. Here they be:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So... I've been working a little bit on this room... Don't judge my metal diamond placements. Eventually there will be a very large mirror back there. And eventually I may realize the diamonds just don't work - and will have to move them. But for now - they show effort. And progress. And that makes me happy. I love them because they are supposed to be square - but I made an executive decision to make them diamonds. Because of the diamond shapes in my chairs. [deja vu - but at least I got a better picture this time!]
I guess they look more like twigs, eh? But... look at this picture below.
I cannot believe it. When I was out watering and digging and scaping the land yesterday, I didn't even see these little buggers. It wasn't until one of my son's friends came over and I was showing off the greenery that he pointed them out. [I think he was secretly hoping I'd offer to make him a mini-margarita. I don't sever alcohol to 15 year olds, good sir. You have to be at least 16 and a half. I kid, I kid.]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So... I've been working a little bit on this room... Don't judge my metal diamond placements. Eventually there will be a very large mirror back there. And eventually I may realize the diamonds just don't work - and will have to move them. But for now - they show effort. And progress. And that makes me happy. I love them because they are supposed to be square - but I made an executive decision to make them diamonds. Because of the diamond shapes in my chairs. [deja vu - but at least I got a better picture this time!]
Goodwill shopping a few weeks back allowed me to score something pretty COOL!
It is, I believe, an old radio cabinet. I think. That's what I am calling it.
It's a lighter color than my table & chairs. But when I really look at the two, side by side, they do share some of the same tone. I just wasn't going for an all dark, all wood room. Remember, the other half of this room is the formal living room. Which we hope to make-over into a little library. And totally copy her design, here.
I plan on take some dark wood tones into the "library" in picture frames and books. And then I need to somehow bring some light, cream colors into the dining room to try and make this all work.
The cabinet does need some help. The insides were torn out and it has no back. Mr. is going to help me fix those problem areas and then we have to decide on if we are going to leave it alone, or paint it or stain it.
I originally thought I could paint it the color green that is in the curtains. I saw a REALLY cool example that I loved. And now I can't find it on the net, anywhere. Then I wondered if I should play with the indent, and paint that cream - and the rest green?!
Then I wondered if I should sand and stain the top, the beveled part of the doors and the bottom trim piece a nice mix of ebony and dark walnut.
Now I am wondering if I am out of my ever loving mind.
Do YOU have any thoughts on the subject?! [on the cabinet, not about me being out of my mind.]
I have plans to put a large framed picture above the cabinet... and maybe add a lamp... Give it a bit of height. The room will also, eventually be getting crown molding. So, weigh in. Let me know your ideas [so I can steal them, too].
Alex and Isa both had a friend spend the night - so I am off to get breakfast started. The line at Dunkin Donuts is sometimes long - need to get there early. =)
Have a fab Sunday, people!
P.S. WAIT - don't leave. I just thought of something. Do you think I should bring that light fixture [above the dining room table] down a bit? Is it too high?! Thanks! ;) I owe you one! Anytime you want some design advice... Well. Nevermind.
Two Tipus and an Ash Tree
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You were supposed to read the post title to the tune of one famous Christmas Carol. Can you guess which one? Moving on. It's Spring! And as a new homeowner, I am LOVING the color green!! I know we don't get Winter as bad as some folks do, but we do get our share of brown.
We. Were. Mistaken.
Isa has a game today - so we will pause on the scaping of the land to go cheer her on, but once we are back home, it's back to work. I LOVE the idea of Spring Cleaning. Actually getting to it is another thing. But I am feeling very motivated today! Here's a tour of our GREEN! - staring with the front yard.
My boxwoods. Love them. Here's what it looked like 4 months ago...
Remember this bad boy?! A few months ago he was all nekkid...
The Mr. and I have been working really, really hard on our backyard landscaping. We thought the toughest part would be getting the digging dug (hehe) and the plants and trees in the ground.
We. Were. Mistaken.
The hardest part??!! Keeping those suckers alive. We have a different watering schedule for each type of plant and tree. We haven't yet put the watering system in the backyard (like we have one in the front)... so for now, the kids and I ARE the watering system.
I planted a new vine this morning!! It's a Lady Banks Rose vine. The mini-rose (which really look like carnations, I must say) are yellow - my favorite!
Isa has a game today - so we will pause on the scaping of the land to go cheer her on, but once we are back home, it's back to work. I LOVE the idea of Spring Cleaning. Actually getting to it is another thing. But I am feeling very motivated today! Here's a tour of our GREEN! - staring with the front yard.
My boxwoods. Love them. Here's what it looked like 4 months ago...
And now!! I love that white flower!!
Remember this bad boy?! A few months ago he was all nekkid...
Look at him NOW!
Now... moving on to the backyard. We recently put in a dog run... and wanted to hide it a little. So we purchased five bushes to start. Eventually they will grow together and form a hedge of sorts. We hope.
We recently bought two Tipu trees. Up first is Twin A.
And here is Twin B.
Okay, not really dead....
I spent some time outside this morning giving it some TLC and all of a sudden I noticed this...
I swear it wasn't there when I started out! Maybe the extra love really worked!!
When we planted the trees they were exactly the same. Now that we know how to properly care for them (thanks to the fine folks at our local nursery) I am sure they will flourish in no time. They are in the evergreen family and when full grown are considered lush shade trees. They will grow to a very large size!
Anyway... tour's over! I have to get Isa to her game! I will post pics of that tomorrow...
And I will also have a post about my formal living room. I bought a Radio Cabinet (I believe) at Goodwill a few weeks back and I need some advice on what to do with it. Paint? Stain? Both? Nothing? See? I will definitely need your help! So be prepared!!
Happy Saturday - and Happy Spring!
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